The Edge

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Forget mentors, find a Champion

I once bypassed on-campus interviews and went straight to in-office final rounds after missing the application deadline. Said no one ever- yet that's exactly what happened. This article teaches you how to turn mentors in Champions and how much of a difference it can make.


Why you need a Champion

Champions are more just than mentors - they constantly develop youstand up for you, and pull strings when needed

  • Having mentors / Champions across different fields gives you much less biased advice and helps you see diverse perspectives you'd otherwise likely miss.
  • Having one person go the extra mile for you will almost always be more valuable than countless others only supporting you while it's convenient. 


What to look for

Though what everyone looks for in a mentor is different- there are a few key things you want in your Champions.

Investment (in you)  

In my opening story, my Champion met with his boss to convince him to give me an interview even though I had royally messed up. He was invested in me and stuck his neck out for me to give me the chance he believed I deserved. 

You want someone who will happily spend time with you, who cares about you, and is clearly invested in your development. 

Challenges you to think differently

Day 1: my boss dropped 4 books on my desk and said "read these- they'll help you personally and professionally". Throughout the internship he spent his time developing me and making me learn something from every opportunity he could. He took every thought/answer I ever had for him and challenged and ripped them apart. Though the feedback was tough to hear, he was laying out the framework for a new way of thinking that has completely changed the way I view the world. 

You want someone who will always push you to the next level. Even (especially) when it's hard and you want to back down. You want to find a Champion that makes you say "wow, I've never thought of it like that" and who finds a way to open your mind to new concepts/ways of viewing the world (even if you don't agree with those views!) .

Crosses the line

One of my Champions came over to surf with me on his birthday and met my whole family. While most of our relationship is more business-focused, we'll always talk about life, family, and personal things before jumping in to work. 

While having mentors that prefer to keep work (mentorship) and play separate is totally cool, you want to develop your relationships with your Champions. Talk about family, personal life, or things that don't matter at all- whatever deepens your relationship and makes it more enjoyable for both of you. If you plan to trust these people with some of your biggest life decisions- you need to know them outside of a single setting. 


Finding your Champion

Sadly there's not a formula to finding someone that will spend a ton of time teaching and developing you- but there are things to look out for when meeting new people. 

Be your most interesting self- go to unique events and seek out people you find interesting. Surround yourself with the best.

Chase them- when my old boss dropped off 4 books at my desk I realized he was invested in teaching me beyond the scope of what his job required. When you find someone putting in extra time for you, don't let them go. When someone helps you purely on their own initiative- go deeper: see if they're someone you can learn from and someone who can teach you something totally new. 

Be an outlet- people generally love giving advice and having others look up to them, it's in our nature. Show them your appreciation and realize that you're providing them value as well. Build them up just as they are building you up and you will have someone that supports you through thick and thin. 


Make it count

You can have life long relationships with your Champions, even if you only sync up every few months. Often times if someone meets your criteria of becoming a Champion for you, they'll be incredibly busy doing cool things so make the most of the time you spend with them. 

  • Be organized and set goals. When you meet with them, have an idea of what you want to learn and get their advice/perspective on. At the same time, be flexible and open to what they want to teach you.
  • Chase them. If you don't show interest in them first and follow up to reconnect every so often, they'll never get more invested in you. These relationships are worth keeping so make sure to respond to them, reach out, and stay in touch. 
  • Keep it fun! At the end of the day they're sticking around because they like you. They could be teaching anyone what they know but they're spending their time with you. Don't exhaust them and make everything about work.

You'll never know where your Champions will take you or how much they'll impact your life. Don't worry about finding 'the perfect' Champion, disagreeing with them, or having a ton of them. All you need is a few key people you respect and trust to start some of the coolest adventures of your life.